My Avon info

Annie Pistritto

757-375-5505 Call or Text me Email me reference code pistrittowomen Join the team !

Sunday, June 29, 2014


 Not too long ago, I decided to become an Avon representative. Why you may ask?
Well, of course the extra income would be great but most of all. I thought of it as a venture my daughter Samantha and I could share. Work together, bring us closer, do things together, and earn money doing it.
It didn't quite turn out as I had envisioned.And that is okay. Although, I rather Sam have enjoyed this with me. At 22 years old, it isn't something that really interests her. She will tell you its because she is shy. Yes, she is shy but what a better way to expand your inhibitions? She does enjoy ordering from the catalog on Mom's dime though lol but that's another story. 
Anyway, here I am. 7 months into my Avon gig! And I have already make Unit Leader! Commission checks! Hooray for me , right? I love Avon and proud of myself for accomplishing Unit Leader but honestly, its not all peaches and creams. As a fellow rep described it, " you have to babysit your team". Boy , is she correct !
I am constantly sending out emails, texts, or making phone calls that go unanswered. So I may lose my title eventually, but it will not be because I am a slacker lol I will not stop trying to build my team into a successful venture for all of us. Reaching President's Club might be all that is in the stars for me if I lose my current title.
Whatever is in store for me, I am enjoying the trip. Amazed at how much I enjoy this job and Avon products. For me the Avon skincare line is great and affordable! 
Do not think I am saying this is an easy job. It is not. Depending on how much you want to put into your own business is exactly what you will get and how far you will go. I have found that I am going further than anticipated. With every event or business meeting, I am inspired to get up and get out there ! Anjie, my DM. She is fantastic at keeping us all motivated. I guess she is the babysitter of all of us lol. So yes, I do spend more time pushing my Avon hustle than originally planned but I am making way and loving it !

Little more about me,  I moved to Va in 1990 from NY with my husband, Matt. We got married and went on a honeymoon and a week later packed up and moved to Virginia Beach for his job, a promotion. We have two beautiful children. Samantha 22 years old and Matthew Connor 16 years old.
Matt and I miss NY terribly. It will always be home. Yes I sound like Fran Drescher :) 

Until next time................................