My Avon info

Annie Pistritto

757-375-5505 Call or Text me Email me reference code pistrittowomen Join the team !

Monday, July 21, 2014

Nothing to do with Avon but thought it was worth sharing

Somehow I came across this app and I am now addicted! lol
it is called   allwomenstalk   You can find in the app store. It has great short articles. Even had one on "50 ways to make extra money and Avon was #39!  The topics are broad and varies but interesting. Check it out and comment on what you think of the app. Happy reading :)

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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Avon Silicone glove hand cream

One of my favorite Avon products is Silicone Glove Handcream. It's the best affordable Handcream . What I like best about it is that if I happen to wash my hands AFTER I lotion up. The silicone does NOT wash off! Amazing ! Therefore I do not have to reapply and I have not wasted my precious hand cream . It usually sells for $5 but I always wait for "the sale" and stock up. Just as most of my customers do. Currently the product is on sale for $1.99! Now is the time to try and like most you will be addicted. If not , avon guarantees all products 100%.          

Visit my website to order:

Email Your order :

Until next time ..........

Not the best start

Well I did not do so well in my commitment to blog. BUT I am determined to be a successful blogger. My mantra will be ..... Try and try again !