My Avon info

Annie Pistritto

757-375-5505 Call or Text me Email me reference code pistrittowomen Join the team !

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Are you a convicted felon and cannot find a job? AVON can help

 If you are having a hard time finding a job, I want you ! Realize that not being able to find a job because of your prior mistakes does NOT mean you cannot start your own AVON business! $15 investment and the will and drive will make you successful and proud of what your doing.

One of my BEST team members was down on his luck and joined Avon. This move changed his life and bank account. He is making money and has pride in what he is doing. So can you ! Contact me now or go to  use reference code pistrittowomen

I will help you be successful. I believe in you !

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