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Annie Pistritto

757-375-5505 Call or Text me Email me reference code pistrittowomen Join the team !

Sunday, June 4, 2017

millennial-women-on-becoming-entrepreneurs  Check out how affordable the Avon opportunity is...

Ivanna Diaz, 25, Avon

"I originally chose Avon as a side gig in college (when I was 18) because it was something I could do that was flexible around my school schedule. I was able to run my own business as I pleased, while still being focused on my studies — I used my earnings to pay for my books, parking permits, and extra cash for going out with friends. By the time I was 22 and graduated, I had a solid Avon customer base and built a team of representatives. I saw that it provided me with more opportunities and earnings than any other place could give me, so I continued to grow my business and share the opportunity with others; I worked my business part-time and made enough to pay my bills, travel expenses, and Disneyland passes. Now that I am getting married in less than a few months, I have transitioned my Avon business to full-time and have made enough to almost pay for my entire wedding! While looking to start a side gig or your own business, I recommend taking time to evaluate yourself and your goals before jumping in: Why are you starting? What are you looking to gain? What are your strongest skills and interests? Finding the perfect side gig may take time, but it's worth it — it may turn into your full-time business venture!"

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