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Annie Pistritto

757-375-5505 Call or Text me Email me reference code pistrittowomen Join the team !

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Avon Clearskin Professional Acne Treatment

Clearskin® Professional Acne Treatment System

I absolutely love this product! Since high school I have been struggling with acne, and have also been struggling with finding a treatment that works. Well, I have great news, I found it! Avon's Clearskin Professional Acne Treatment is the miracle in a bottle! It is a 3 step process. 1) You wash your face with the liquid soap, which has the little pebbles in it to scrub your pores. 2) You would think your face is clean as can be as this point, but no. After you wash your face, you take the cleansing pads to your face, and gently scrub. You will be amazed of how much dirt is still coming off your face during this process. When you go to use a pad on your face, and it stays clean..your face is FINALLY clean. 3) Then you put on the moisturizer lotion. It feel amazing! After all of that, your face feels so fresh and soft. I love it, and will forever use this product. I advise all of my friends to use it as well!

You can order this product off my website....
The product number is 618-122, and as always if you do not like the product, AVON guarantees 100% customer satisfactory, and will refund your money upon return.

If you any questions, or any comments about this product..please feel free to comment here. I would love to hear from you all.


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