My Avon info

Annie Pistritto

757-375-5505 Call or Text me Email me reference code pistrittowomen Join the team !

Monday, June 29, 2015

Simple Skincare for Men

Simple Skincare for Men

Skincare shouldn’t be complicated for anyone. Cleanse, Moisturize, Treat… right? Men face (heh.. face) some unique challenges when caring for their facial skin. Namely, HAIR!
Facial hair requires shaving, or maintenance. Shaving can cause irritation, dry skin, and other annoyances. Anew men will help avoid those annoyances!
Shave gel with aloe and vitamin e keeps shaving smooth. After shave with aloe helps the shave feel great.
2 in 1 gel cleanser keeps the oils and dirt away.
Lotion with SPF 50 focuses on the number one factor for aging skin in men: SUN! UVA causes damage to the skin, and this lotion with SPF and antioxidants is a true fighter. For dry skin, men can choose the moisturizing cream.
Even men’s eyes need some TLC sometimes. This will help dark circles, crow’s feet or other skin concerns that make you look a little older than you need to.
Incredible new skincare options for men!

We all love the sun but............

Nothing like having a sun kissed look or the feeling of the warm sun shining on you! We all want it but we all do not protect ourselves.  If you are like me then you reaped the not so great rewards from the sun many years later in life.  

As a child, my parents would send us children, my sister and two brothers out to play or out to swim in the backyard pool. We would stay out there all day long with maybe one application of sunscreen on. If we were getting "too red". Dad or Mom would say put a undershirt on and cover those shoulders ! Sound familiar?

As a teenager and 20 something, I wanted an immediate tan! So there I was with my best friends, lying on the beach spraying baby oil all over to get a tan. Funny thing is though. I NEVER tan, never ever!. I am of Irish descent. I am a fair skinned, red headed, freckle faced turn and burn kinda gal ! But I worked it like a pro! Suffering through sun burn pain and blisters. Yet never quite achieving that Hawaiian Tropic tan I longed for. 

When I turned 50, a fellow Irishman suggested I get my skin checked. He did so often and was always having something "burned" off. Finally I gave in and sure enough. I had sun damaged cancerous skin spots on my hands, arms, face, and shoulders! Thankfully, it was only in the first stage so I was treated and it is gone. I return to the dermatologist every 6 months for rechecks and yes new spots have appeared and been removed. 

Now getting to the point here. I never took anyone advice about how harmful the sun can be. Luckily I sell a #1 sunscreen, according to consumer reports. AVON's sunscreen was tested and voted the best ! 

Regardless if you go to my web-store and purchase some.  I implore you to please use sunscreen of any brand but I promote AVON's products because I believe in them, I use them, and apparently so doesthe good people at Consumer Reports. We must take care of ourselves and skin care is included.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

AVON Perfume Guide.

AVON has some great perfumes and colognes in their line up. At times, I find it hard to decide on a scent. Well, now AVON has made choosing a little easier. Look at the chart in the picture and go by your personality or mood to chose a scent that's right for YOU ! Even better is that ALL AVON scent collections are reasonably priced. In fact, I would say more than reasonable! Down right good ! A few of my personal favorites are anything in the FERGIE collection. I have not smelled one I did not like. I also LOVE AVON's Today, Tomorrow, Forever Collection at $15 a bottle ! 
Check my website at for sales and deals! Comment and let me know what you think of AVON's perfume collection or share with me what is your favorite ! 
As far as the men's scents,  I have not meant a scent I did not like ! AVON's Luck for men, Instinct for men, Exploration for men, Alpha for men, and Driven are just a few of "my loves". My son only wears AVON's cologne. My husband wears some but is still old school lol
As always 100% guarnteed ! If you purchase and for whatever reason do not like or want. Return for a full refund within 90 days.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

AVON expiration guide

AVON"s Save or Toss Guide:

You take care of yourself in so many ways but what about that all those old cosmetic products piling up in the bathroom. How long have you have them? When was the last time you used them? Are they still any good?These are questions we need to ask ourselves but are often not thought of it.

Old, outdated, and unused products can cause infection. No one wants pink eye or goop seeping from their eyes! But this can happen and does happen when one uses outdated cosmetics. We have all bought and tried products and tossed them in the draw because we did not "love" the look the product produced. Rather than toss them right away we toss them in the draw for future use." Hey its a brand new product, I cannot waste money like that by throwing it away after one use!" Only to never use the product again or worst yet, find the liner 2 years later and try it again. We have ALL done this.

Do you realize makeup has expiration dates for a reason? One that is more expensive than spending money on a product, not liking it, and tossing it. Your health is way more important and imagine your look with an infection brought on by expired makeup! YUCK! 

As an AVON representative, I must encourage you to go through your makeup bag and toss what is old. Use the guide in the picture as a base line. Get rid of the bacteria lurking in your draw. I demand you take care of yourself with fresh products ! It is my duty ! And with AVON's quality products at terrific prices your not breaking the budget. 

Save or Toss? That is the question ! AVON has the answer.

Visit my web-store and order your fresh healthy products now!

There are some free shipping deals and % off deals going on now.

Answer the question now before the goop sets in !!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


AVON has the hottest trends at the best prices for a quality product. Do you keep up to date with trends and styles? Ombre hair was first. Now Ombre eyes is following suit. Do not get left behind because you cannot afford it or you do not know how to apply. AVON has your back on both at great prices!

Visit my website

Monday, June 15, 2015

Avon team members wanted

Are you a go getter? Do you strive for success? Do you walk the walk ? Do you have $15? Then I want you on my team. use reference code pistrittowomen

Monday, June 8, 2015

If Johnny knows whats best, why are you not wearing it ?

AVON's Glimmerstick.

The best eyeliner, lip liner, and brow pencils you will ever get for the price!

Currently on sale for $1.99 at 

Check out the selection of colors. You will be amazed with this AVON product!  

According to the website , GLIMMERSTICKS  received a review score of 4.6 out of 5!


Brushes are tools of the trade when applying makeup. AVON has professional brushes without the professional cost !

Check out what we offer with 100% money back guarantee. 

Below you will find a brush guide. What brush is used for what application.

Avon vs the other "young" DS company


This mascara made its debut in 2013 on a Today Show segment and it is still going strong! I compared  AVON's Mega Effects Mascara to another "young" direct selling company. The "young" company boasts of 3D lashes at $29.99. Whereas Avon's Mega Effects Mascara is $10 and can be found for $7 on sale.

Look at the photo below. This is a with and without photo of the model wearing Avon's Mega Effects. She applied 3 coats. Waiting a few seconds between coats. The other "young" company is NOT that simple. You have a coat to apply then 3D fibers to get the same effect as the Avon product. This is no quick apply and run out the door like the AVON Mega Effects. 

It is not only quick to apply but does NOT break the budget. Best of all it is 100% money back guarnteed if not satisfied. 

Order yours NOW at   

Please post your review!

Saturday, June 6, 2015