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Annie Pistritto

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Monday, June 29, 2015

We all love the sun but............

Nothing like having a sun kissed look or the feeling of the warm sun shining on you! We all want it but we all do not protect ourselves.  If you are like me then you reaped the not so great rewards from the sun many years later in life.  

As a child, my parents would send us children, my sister and two brothers out to play or out to swim in the backyard pool. We would stay out there all day long with maybe one application of sunscreen on. If we were getting "too red". Dad or Mom would say put a undershirt on and cover those shoulders ! Sound familiar?

As a teenager and 20 something, I wanted an immediate tan! So there I was with my best friends, lying on the beach spraying baby oil all over to get a tan. Funny thing is though. I NEVER tan, never ever!. I am of Irish descent. I am a fair skinned, red headed, freckle faced turn and burn kinda gal ! But I worked it like a pro! Suffering through sun burn pain and blisters. Yet never quite achieving that Hawaiian Tropic tan I longed for. 

When I turned 50, a fellow Irishman suggested I get my skin checked. He did so often and was always having something "burned" off. Finally I gave in and sure enough. I had sun damaged cancerous skin spots on my hands, arms, face, and shoulders! Thankfully, it was only in the first stage so I was treated and it is gone. I return to the dermatologist every 6 months for rechecks and yes new spots have appeared and been removed. 

Now getting to the point here. I never took anyone advice about how harmful the sun can be. Luckily I sell a #1 sunscreen, according to consumer reports. AVON's sunscreen was tested and voted the best ! 

Regardless if you go to my web-store and purchase some.  I implore you to please use sunscreen of any brand but I promote AVON's products because I believe in them, I use them, and apparently so doesthe good people at Consumer Reports. We must take care of ourselves and skin care is included.

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