My Avon info

Annie Pistritto

757-375-5505 Call or Text me Email me reference code pistrittowomen Join the team !

Sunday, August 17, 2014


Well, I promised honesty and as an independent Avon representative I give honest reviews. I am not here to "just" sell product. Yes I wish to be successful but integrity is important to me. Although this will not boost my sales, here goes............
Close WindowI have a "NEED" to take care of my feet. Ok maybe it is an obsession :). I am a diabetic so yes there really is a need but I always had/have tough feet. Having soft feet makes me feel good. I do not want too be that woman wearing sandals with cracked heels.

This product interested me. It was fair priced and reviews were mostly positive. Very excited when deliver came! Immediate disappointment when there was not any instructions on the product or package. After all it is named "pedi-peel". I wanted to know how to peel properly. I check online , no instructions either. I shrug that off. I am not a dummy I can figure this out.

After a shower with my feet nice and clean I open the jar. Surpise! There is no peel! It is a wipe! Akin to a popular acne pad that you would use to clean your face. Now I feel dumb lol. Do i use this pad to wipe my feet like I do my face? Turns out, yes I do !

It did burn a little but easy enough to apply. Sadly, I would only give this product 1/2 a star. I did not see any difference or improvement. No instructions was very disappointing.

Am I doing something wrong with application? Let me know !

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