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Annie Pistritto

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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

How to wear Avon perfume.

Are you ever disappointed that your perfume wears off shortly after being applied?  Have you ever wondered how others smell like they just put their perfume on?  You know, they walk by you and smell so good.  You think she must have just sprayed her perfume on.  Think again.

Perfume is heat activated and therefore should be worn at the pulse points.  These include:  behind the ear, bottom of throat, on the wrist, inside the elbow and behind the knee.

Hair carries perfume best because the perfume clings to the fibers of the hair.  Spray perfume on a brush then pull through the hair.  Perfume sprayed directly to your hair can cause the hair to dry out.   Clothing also carries the perfume best because of the fibers.

A couple of things to remember:
-Dry skin does not hold perfume well - use unscented lotion first
-Citrus notes fade fast
-Don't rub your wrists together, this causes the top notes to fade
- Store perfume in cool, dry places.  Heat and humidity can weaken the quality of the perfume therefore, the bathroom is not a good place to store perfume.

Other ways to make your scent last all day:

- Spray or dab in belly button.  It will hold the perfume well due to its warmth
- Spray on feet, ankles and calves.  Your legs and feet are almost always in motion.  That motion causes the fragrance  to drift into the air.
-Rub vaseline on pulse points before applying to pulse points.  
- Moisture on your skin after a bath or shower will help lock in the scent
- Layer fragrance.  Use soap or shower gel, lotion, powder and perfume that all have the same fragrance

So, now you can be the one that everyone envies because you always smell so good! 

Credits: April Lewin

Check out the perfume deals on my Estore

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